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Facebook Advertising (With Infographic)

Facebook is a great platform that you should be using for advertising! And because we know the importance of it we at ADAO wanted to provide you with a great kick-start guide to Facebook advertising.

Using Facebook for advertising can easily be used to appeal to a mass market, especially since Facebook has over 1 billion active daily users.

However this is a mistake you want to avoid at all costs. Casting a generic net, results in a low engagement rate and very little return on investment. Ideally, you want to know your target market and using Facebook targeting tool narrow your Ad’s audience down. This helps your spend go further and will provide a greater return on investment.

Our top 5 list of benefits are:

  1. Increased Exposure to Potential Customers
    • Boosting your posts to specific audiences can and 20 user organic reach to a 2000 user reach
  2. Lower your Marketing Expense
    • Facebook rewards ads linked with relevant landing pages with a high quality score. This leads to a lower cost per click. As a result, ads are very low cost and the return on ad spend is usually higher when compared to advertising tools like Google AdWords and Bing Ad’s.
  3. Targeting
    • Facebook’s knowledge of its users isn’t kept behind closed doors, it’s available to you.
    • Make sure you utilise the audience refinement tool when choosing your audience so that you can target your exact target market, increasing the chances of engagement and page likes
  4. Increase Web Traffic
    • Use links in posts and throughout your company profile to drive traffic to your site.
  5. Boost SEO
    • Having a social presence can lead to search engines picking up this channels and presenting them as web pages on their SERP’s (Search Engine Results Pages)
    • The more ways people can find you the better

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